Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier



The body structure of the Bull Terrier must be very strong, muscular, well-proportioned and energetic, with a firm passionate and intelligent expression, passionate as a flame but also sweet and very obedient to discipline.

Place of origin



The head is long, firm and deep to the end of the muzzle, but not rough. The face is full and ovate, the whole outline of the face being full and upward, and without any depression or interruption, being both egg-shaped. In side view, there is a slight downward arching curve from the crown of the head to the tip of the nose. The forehead is between the ears and flat. The distance from the tip of the nose to the eyes can be seen to be greater than the distance from the eyes to the top of the head.

The jaw should be deep and well defined.

Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier


Neat and tight


Pincer bite or clipper bite. In the case of a clipper bite, the upper and lower teeth at the front are tightly packed together and the teeth are healthy, strong and straight.


Small, thin and close together. They should be stiff enough to remain erect when pointed upward.


Should be sunken, and of as dark a color as possible, with a keen sparkle. The eyes are small, triangular, and crookedly placed; in a position nearer the head. Orchid-colored eyes are out of order.


Black in color, with large nostrils and a downward pointing nose.


Should be very muscular, long, arched and neat, tapering from the shoulders to the head, unaffected by loose skin.


From the front, the chest should be broad and very deep, closer to the ground than the abdomen.


The ribs are healthy and the back is short and firm. Ribs deep at the back. Forms a slight arch over the loin. Shoulders firm and muscular but not heavy. The shoulders are broad and flat, and the scapulae slope very distinctly backward from bottom to top. However, the scapulae behind do not protrude or sink. A graceful upward curve from the back of the chest to the abdomen.

Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier


The bones are stout but not sharp or rough; the forelegs are of moderate length, straight, and firmly support the body. Elbows not turned inward or outward, wrists strong and vertical. The hind legs are parallel to each other when viewed from behind. The thighs are very well muscled, with the fly joints leaning down. The hind foot and wrist are short and vertical. The rear thigh is properly angled at the rear knee joint between the rear thigh and the second thigh.

Foot claws

Rounded and compact, properly arched on the ground, similar to a cat’s foot.


Short, low and thin, ideally held flat. Thick at the part where it joins the body and then tapers.


Short, flat, coarse and shiny to the touch. Skin tightly wrapped around the body.


White, with spotting allowed on the head. Spotting anywhere else is a serious defect. Color on the skin is normal.


The gait is smooth and easy, with a wide stride, and the front and hind legs are parallel to each other when viewed from the front or behind. The front legs are well oriented, the hind legs move smoothly, the knees and fly joints are properly angled. The action is compact and typically pleasant, alert and powerful.


Any condition that does not fit the description above is a defect; a bend in the forelimbs is a serious defect and a slight bend in the forelimbs is a minor defect.


Orchid-colored eyes.

Colored Bull Terrier

All criteria are the same as the White Bull Terrier except for color: any color except white, or any color with white markings, and everything else is the same. Tiger-spotted color is more desirable. If it is white in most places, it is a disqualification.

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