Causes, diagnosis and treatment of organic fluorosis



First, irrational use and storage of fluorine compounds. Second, dogs drink water contaminated with organofluorine compounds and eat rats poisoned with fluoroacetamide. Third, it is more frequent in high-fluoride areas.

Diagnostic Points

The main symptom is central nervous system excitation. Poisoned dogs show restlessness, vomiting, dyspnea, cardiac arrhythmia, increased frequency of fecal discharge, sick dogs run wildly and bark furiously, with paroxysmal or tonic spasms of muscles, foaming at the mouth, and finally coma and panting.

Poisoned dogs die of respiratory depression and cardiac failure during convulsions. The diagnosis can be made mainly on the basis of the etiology, combined with clinical symptoms.


Acetamide<deflurane), an antidote for fluorosis, has the effect of prolonging the incubation period of poisoning, reducing the symptoms of morbidity or stopping the morbidity, etc. Its dose is 0.1 g/kg (body weight)/times. The dose is 0.1g/kg (body weight)/times.

The toxic effect of organic fluorine is rapid, so acetamide should be used as early as possible, and the dose must be sufficient. If used in conjunction with chlorpromazine and barbiturates, it can reduce the excitability of the central nervous system.

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