General therapeutic measures for poisoning


In general, poisoning disease is mostly from a sudden acute attack, and there is no specific antidote for most of the poisons, so it is extremely important to take general therapeutic measures to slow down the symptoms of poisoning, to maintain life, and to make the poisoned animals get well.

General principles and methods of treatment before consultation.

1: If the poison is ingested by mouth, the time is not long, the poison should be vomited immediately, so that the poison can be discharged from the stomach in time to reduce the absorption. For oral intake is not more than one to two hours, the poison is not absorbed or absorbed not much, the use of emetic method. Generally, 3% hydrogen peroxide can be given orally, 5 milliliters each time, every five minutes. In addition, a syrup of emetic acid can be administered orally at intervals of two to five milliliters per kilogram of body weight. Apomorphine is usually used to induce vomiting in dogs at seventy micrograms per kilogram of body weight, and ronphene is used in cats at one milligram per kilogram of body weight, given intramuscularly. Can also use 1% copper sulfate infusion, dogs 20 to 100 ml, cats 5 to 20 ml. Physical methods: soft rubber tubes, chicken feathers and other soft objects can be used to stimulate the soft palate and pharyngeal mucosa, causing the vomiting reflex to induce vomiting.

2: Gastric lavage, by the mouth shortly after ingestion of poison, not yet absorbed can take gastric lavage measures. Before gastric lavage, the animal should be properly sedated or anesthetized, and then held, the animal’s head and chest should be slightly lower, but not due to intra-abdominal organs due to gravity to compress the diaphragm to affect respiration. Open the mouth with an opener, and then insert a thicker diameter gastric tube into the stomach to wash the stomach with warm water; the amount of water used for gastric lavage should be 5-10 ml per kilogram of body weight each time, which should not be too much, and can be repeated several times. Activated charcoal or antidotes should be added to the gastric lavage water to improve the effect of gastric lavage. Be careful not to damage the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach wall when inserting the gastric tube.

3: Adsorption of poisons, by the mouth into the poison has been more than 1 ~ 2 hours, although it has entered the intestinal tract, but not completely absorbed, this time can be orally activated charcoal in order to reduce the intestinal absorption of poisons, the measurement of 2 ~ 8 grams per kilogram of body weight instillation.

4: Accelerate the elimination and metabolism of poisons from the body, most poisons are metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, and some poisons are excreted through the lungs or feces and other channels. The poison in the animal muscle is mainly metabolized in the liver, so the damage to the liver is the most serious, in the treatment of poisoning disease to protect the liver but also very important. Animals can be given glucose to increase liver glycogen and glucuronic acid to enhance the detoxification function of the liver.

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