Treatment of food poisoning in dogs

Poisoning in dogs after ingestion of spoiled fish, meat, yogurt and other foods is caused by the presence of larger quantities of Aspergillus, staphylococcal toxins, Salmonella enterotoxins and Clostridium botulinum toxins in these spoiled foods. Spoiled fish, because of contamination with Aspergillus, causes protein breakdown and production of histamine. The incubation period for histamine poisoning is no more than 2 hours, with sudden vomiting, dysentery, dyspnea, snotty nose, dilated pupils, ataxia, the dog may be comatose, hindquarter paralysis, weakness, hematuria, and black feces. To treat rotting fish poisoning you can administer glucose and vitamin C intravenously or subcutaneously, benadryl internally, and cyanotoxin intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Staphylococcal toxin poisoning can cause acute gastroenteritis symptoms, sick dogs vomiting, abdominal pain, dysentery. In severe cases, respiratory distress, convulsions and convulsions occur. Treatment is with emesis, rehydration and symptomatic therapy. Gastric lavage and enema can be used if necessary. Clostridium botulinum poisoning causes motor paralysis, coma and even death in dogs. Symptoms in dogs with Clostridium botulinum poisoning are related to the amount of ingestion. Initially, the neck and shoulder muscles are paralyzed, and gradually the limbs are paralyzed, the reaction is slow, the pupils are dilated, it is difficult to swallow, the saliva flows out, and the two ears are drooping. Conjunctivitis and ulcerative keratitis are common in the eyes. Finally, death occurs due to respiratory paralysis. Clostridium botulinum poisoning has a short course and a high mortality rate. Antitoxin is injected immediately after the onset of the disease, intravenously or intramuscularly. Symptomatic treatment can be 0.01% potassium permanganate solution gastric lavage, laxatives or enema, intravenous infusion, intramuscular injection of penicillin. The best way to prevent this disease is that the dog’s food should be cooked and not left for a long time.

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