Getting your dog to take a good bath and obediently take his medication


Not all dogs will like a bath, and not all dogs will want to take medication.

Now here are some tips to keep your dog clean and healthy.


Usually 1 wash per month is sufficient for dogs kept indoors, in the summer it will be 1-2 weeks.

Puppies should not be bathed until at least 1 week after vaccination. Short-haired dogs can go for a long time without bathing if the body surface is wiped daily.

When bathing your dog, it is important to note that the dog’s hair should be straightened before bathing, for short-haired dogs should be backcombed and then combed; for long-haired dogs should be combed one layer at a time, that is, the long hair is turned up, and then combed on the bottom of the hair, and then combed the other side after combing one side.

To minimize and avoid pain for the dog, hold the root of the hair with one hand and comb with the other. After combing, you should put it into the bathroom, close the door and rinse its whole body with warm water.

Allow it to have a small walk and duck while rinsing, and go as fast as you can. When rinsing the head with water be careful not to run the water into the dog’s eyes and ears as this can be very uncomfortable for them.

After applying the body wash, gently rub the coat, especially the belly and tail, and if the dog is doing well at this point give it a little encouragement to make the bath a pleasant experience. Then use water to wash the foam on the hair, do not let it remain in the dog hair, and finally use a dry towel to dry the hair.

It should also be noted that the bath should be carried out in the morning or at noon, not in the air humidity or rainy days, to the dog bath should not be too diligent, because too diligent will make the dog skin off the sebum, reducing the skin resistance, easy to cause bacterial infection.

Feeding medicine

A common method is to wrap the medicine in food and let the dog eat it, but usually the dog will spit it out. This is especially useless if the dog has little appetite.

If the dose of the drug is small and there is no obvious irritation, you can force the drug into the dog’s stomach through the mouth.

Usually two people work together, one person grasps its front legs, open the dog’s mouth, fixed its upper and lower jaw, the other person a hand holding a bottle of medicine or a metal syringe, one hand from the side of the mouth to open the corner of the mouth, and then from the corner of the mouth slowly poured into the medicine, let it self-swallowing, swallowing and then pouring.

As for capsules or tablets, after opening the mouth, use a medicine spoon or a piece of hard paper to send the tablets to the root of the tongue in the deep part of the mouth, quickly close the dog’s mouth, and stimulate the larynx from top to bottom with your fingers through the skin to lure it to swallow.

Special attention should be paid to not lift the dog’s head too high when instilling the medicine, the mouth should not be higher than the ears, and the action of instilling the medicine should be slow, patient, and never rough, so as not to instill into the trachea and lungs, which may cause unnecessary harm to the pet.

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