Criteria for the German Shepherd Defense Examination


SCHH1-3 score levels:

Excellent: 286-300

Excellent: 270-285

Satisfactory: 240-269

Pass: 220-239

Defective: 106-219

Failing: 0-105

The judging of the defense test is of great importance in the selection of working dogs for breeding. Some of the most important areas to judge are: work load capacity, confidence level, neurological stability, judgment, aggression and obedience.

The whole process of the defense test is divided into three parts according to the different requirements of the nervous system and judgment: inspection and guarding, biting, and obedience.

For inspection, the dog is required to show high alertness, clear objectives, rush to the indicated hiding place without hesitation when instructed to do so, and carry out the order without delay.

The process of standing and alerting, as well as alerting after a fight, should show aggressiveness, mobility, confidence, and neurological stability, as well as a high level of concentration.

Barking should be immediate, unrelenting, and intimidating.

The fighting process is divided into three main parts: defense, load capacity, and alert.

Between these three parts of the process, the dog’s obedience to the master should be especially demonstrated.

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