Basic Husky Obedience Training


Sports & Training

Unlike other hunting dogs, the Siberian Sled does not require a lot of exercise, but it is important to get the right amount of exercise every day. Siberian Sled Dogs are a very clean breed and do not like to urinate or defecate in the house from about six months of age, so as a responsible owner you should take your dog out in the morning and at dusk every day to urinate and defecate, then you can use this opportunity to give it moderate exercise. A 15-minute walk (preferably 5 minutes at a brisk pace) is the most basic.

Basic Obedience Training

Please don’t ignore this issue, the Siberian Sled is a medium sized dog, the adult dog weighs about 50-60 pounds, it is not easy to control him if she hasn’t gone through any basic obedience training. Have you ever thought about what is the crisis lurking in his movements and behavior?

Pouncing on people when excited – Imagine a 50-60 pound dog jumping on you! What happens when your dog pounces on a pregnant woman one day?

When dragging a dog out on the street, he goes where he’s going – Have you ever seen a dog walking in front of you and a human walking behind you when you walk down the street? Many people think this is very common no big deal —- Imagine if your dog sees another dog on the opposite side of the road, excitedly rushing across the road, and her weight plus the force of the rush is almost 100 pounds, and you are in the case of not thinking it is easy to be pulled down by your dog, even worse the road is like a tiger’s mouth, when your doggy pulls you to cross the road of the scenarios, it is simply chilling. chilling.

If your dog is very active and restless, his destructive ability can be very high when no one is home!

That’s why it’s important to give your dog basic obedience training. You can ask someone to give your dog basic obedience training, or you can look up books to learn how to teach your dog.

Your communication channels with your dog

As a working person, you don’t have a lot of time to spend with your dog, so you’re wondering how to find the time to teach your dog basic obedience training. We can suggest you to mix games and training, your dog will feel very new and interesting. For example: play hide and seek with your dog, sled dogs are smart and flexible by nature, they love to play this game, when he finds you, praise him immediately, and then give him a series of basic obedience training commands such as: sit, down, heel, stay!

Your dog won’t think that the game you’re designing is actually a training exercise. In the process, it also enhances the communication and trust between you and your dog, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

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