How Your Dog Tells You He’s Sick


Owners need to be careful if their dog has any of the following kinds of symptoms:

  1. Poor appetite – the body does not feel well, the appetite naturally becomes worse.
  2. poor spirit a not lively, lazy, no longer so active.
  3. Fever – a pathogen invasion, heat stroke.
  4. Vomiting – gastric disease, enteritis, foreign bodies in the digestive tract, constipation and poisoning. As long as the vomiting center is stimulated or abdominal organs are sick will vomit. Dogs four feet on the ground, the order of the internal organs arranged parallel to the ground, by the center of the earth’s pull is relatively small, so it is more likely to vomit than human beings, if only occasional vomiting, and the spirit, appetite and urination and defecation are very normal, there is no need to worry about. Easily nervous small dogs will be more in the early morning before breakfast, because of hunger and spit acid, long time easy to cause stomach, duodenal ulcers.
  5. Dysentery – after a sudden change of food, or parasites, bacteria and viruses invade, or the dog’s food allergies, allergies to some insecticides and poisoning.
  6. Dehydration – When water is lost through vomiting and diarrhea, the skin tends to lose its elasticity. This is different from when the dog is thin and the skin is tightly attached to the skeletal muscles.
  7. The coat has a different loss of luster, hair loss, dandruff becomes more, the epidermis red, swollen and ruptured, itchy, subcutaneous lumps or plaques.
  8. Crying – hold the dog up, touching a part of the barking, moaning, or puppies have no appetite and constantly crying.
  9. Tummy pain – mainly gastrointestinal flatulence, intussusception, gastric torsion, foreign body obstruction, pain in the head, not dare to get down.
  10. Rapid breathing, wheezing, coughing – upper respiratory tract stenosis, foreign body, pneumonia emphysema, pulmonary edema, pleural fluid, heart disease, etc..
  11. Pale mucous membrane and skin – dehydration, massive blood loss or chronic long-term blood loss.
  12. Mucous membranes, skin turning yellow and gray – anemia, immune system pathology, liver and gallbladder disease, uremia.
  13. Edema of the limbs, subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fluid accumulation – puppy malnutrition, liver, kidney and heart disease.
  14. Discoloration of the urine – thick, small amount of water may not be enough to draw. White and cloudy, there are stones or inflammation. Dark brown, or even blood, may be stones or inflammation of the urinary tract. 15. vaginal discharge – normal bitch about two weeks in heat, more than two weeks or more there is still a white or dark brown discharge, the uterus and bladder disease.
  15. Appetite suddenly become good – endocrine abnormalities, such as hyperadrenalism.
  16. Polyuria, frequent thirst – the volume of urine becomes larger, more frequent, constant thirst, uterine pus storage or endocrine disorders.
  17. Strange behavior and actions – bone, muscle, joint disease, or neurological abnormalities.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible and report your observations carefully.

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