American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier


The American Streetfordshire Terrier gives the impression of a dog that is strong, muscular but at the same time agile and elegant. It has a great enthusiasm for its surroundings. Its silhouette is rather short and chubby and cannot grow long legs. Its courage is well known.

Place of origin

United States


Medium length, deeper throughout the head. The head is broad, with the muscles of the cheeks very pronounced and the stops well defined. Ears high in position. Ears cropped or uncropped, uncropped ears are better. Uncropped ears are shorter, rose or half standing. Droopy ears are defective.

Eyes dark in color, round, situated a short distance below the head, and far apart. There are no pink eyelids. The muzzle is of medium length, rounded, situated below the eyes at a steep angle. Jaws well defined. The jaws are strong, with an excellent bite.

Lips tight and flat, not loose. Shear bite. Noseglasses are black.

American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier


Thick, slightly arched, tapering from shoulder to head. Skin cannot be loose. Medium length.


Firm, muscular, with broad, sloping shoulder blades.


Quite short. Slightly sloping from the shoulder blades to the root of the tail. Gradually transitions to the waist.


Ribs well expanded. The bones are tightly united. The forelimbs are far apart, allowing enough space in the chest. The chest is deep and wide.

American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier


Relatively short in relation to the body, with the root of the tail positioned low and the tip tapering off. Cannot be rolled over the back or held high on the back. Cannot be clipped.


Straight front legs with thick, rounded bones and vertical carapace. The forelegs cannot be bent. The hind limbs are muscular, with low fly joints that do not turn inward or outward. Foot claws are moderately sized, slightly arched and compact. The gait is easy, but not twisting or pacing.


Short, dense, stiff to the touch and shiny.


Any color, including monochromatic and mottled, is acceptable. However, all white or more than 80% of the area is white, black, brown and liver are less desirable colors.

Body Type

Height and weight are proportional. Ideal height is: males: 18 to 19 inches; females: 17 to 18 inches.


The presence of the following is considered defective:

  • Dudley’s nose
  • Light-colored or pink eyes
  • Tail that is too long or not positioned correctly
  • Protruding upper jaw bite or protruding lower jaw bite

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