Basset Hound
Basset Hound

Basset Hound



The Baguidou Hound has several distinguishing characteristics as listed below, he is a very good trail tracker and can work in very complex terrain conditions.

It is a short-legged ditch with plenty of bone (heavy bones), size is essential in relation to other breeds, and his movements are calm but not clumsy. Temperament is mild, not to be hurried or shy.

Has the stamina to work long hours in the wilderness and is very committed.

Basset Hound
Basset Hound

Place of origin



The head is large and well proportioned. The length from the posterior occipital bone to the muzzle is slightly greater than the width at the brow bone. The entire appearance of the head is of medium width.

Head: Slightly rounded arch, with a pronounced prominence of the posterior occipital bone. A wide and flat head is a defect. The distance from the nasion to the stop is approximately equal to the distance from the stop to the posterior occipital bone. The sides are flat and not thick-skinned (cheeks bulging). When viewed from the side, the contour lines of the head and the muzzle are straight and parallel to each other, and the stop is moderately clear. The skin is loose throughout the head and there are clear wrinkles on the eyebrows when the head is turned down. A dry head with tight skin is a defect.

Muzzle: deep, heavy, not slender. Nostrils: pigmentation is dark black, pure black is best, wide and flared nostrils. Dark liver-colored noseglasses that match the color of the head are acceptable but undesirable.

TEETH: Huge, healthy and straight, clipped bite or pincer bite. A protruding upper jaw bite and or a protruding lower jaw bite and are considered serious defects.

Lips: pigmentation is dark black and droopy, with square, backward lips that droop in the front and loose, sagging lips in the back.

Throat flab: very well defined and pronounced. Neck : Powerful, of sufficient length, moderately rounded arch. Eyes: gentle, sad, slightly depressed, transient membranes clearly visible, brown in color, darker brown is better. A slightly lighter color, in proportion to the overall color, is permissible but undesirable. Eyes that are very light in color or prominent are defective.

Ears: Very long, bottom positioned, can go over the tip of the nose if pulled forward. The texture is soft and loosely drooping with the ends curling slightly inward. They are situated further back on the head (at the end of the head) and when resting, the ears hang down to the nape of the neck. Ears that are positioned too high or flat are considered serious defects.

Basset Hound
Basset Hound


Chest : Deep and ample, with the sternum prominent and distinctly exceeding the forelegs. Shoulders: Shoulders and elbows rest opposite each other on the chest, the distance from the lowest point of the chest to the ground should allow him to move freely in varying terrain conditions, the bottom of the chest of an adult Baguio is usually no more than 1/3 of the height of the shoulders. scapulae are sloping backward and strong. Steep shoulder blades, wrong front end, and elbows outward are considered serious defects.

Forelegs: short, strong, heavy bones and wrinkled skin. Elbows over the forelegs are disqualifications. FOOTPEDALS : Thick, very heavy, with heavy, hard pads. The foot claws are rounded and arched, all evenly sloping outward and equal to the width of the shoulder. Foot claws below the stifle are a serious defect.

Toes: neither clenched together nor splayed, width equal to that of the front of the body. Wolf claws may be excised.


Ribs are long, smooth, and extend backward. The ribs are well supported and provide enough room for the heart and lungs. Flat or protruding ribs on the side are defective. The dorsal line is straight and level without any sign of arching or collapse. An arched or collapsed dorsal line is a defect.


The hindquarters are very full and rounded arched and roughly equal in width to the shoulders. It must not show flabbiness or little connection with the depth of the entire torso. When he stands firmly, the hind legs are positioned low at the knee, but they must not show a squatting posture. When viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel to each other and the fly joints are neither bent inward nor turned outward. Cow limbs or bowed legs are considered serious defects. The hind foot claws are straight forward. A steep, lack of angulation of the hindquarters is a serious defect. If wolf claws are present, they may be removed.

Basset Hound
Basset Hound


Constantly tailed, its position is on the extension of the spine, but slightly curved and held merrily in the manner of a hound.

Body Type

Shoulder height does not exceed 14 inches. If shoulder height exceeds 15 inches it is out of order.


The movements of the Baguio Hound are smooth, powerful and easy. As a short-legged tracking hound, the nose must be kept close to the ground at all times. Correct gait comes primarily from proper coordination of the front and rear legs; when traveling in a straight line, the rear foot paws move in the same straight line as the front foot paws, the fly joints are moderately flexed, and the movement does not appear stiff. The front legs must not appear to be in a paddling position, swaying or staggered gait, and the elbows must be close to the body. When viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel to each other.


The coat is hard, smooth and short with enough density to work in any climate. The skin is loose and elastic. A coat that is noticeably too long is out of character.


All colors permitted in the Hound are acceptable; color and markings distribution are unimportant.


Shoulder height over 15 inches. Elbows over front legs. Noticeably long coat.

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