Border Collie
Border Collie

Border Collie



Border Collies are very well-proportioned, medium-sized, robust-looking dogs. The grace and agility displayed are commensurate with the physique and energy.

His solid, muscular body with a smooth outline gives the impression of effortless movement and endless stamina.

This trait makes him the number one herding dog in the world. He is energetic, alert and enthusiastic. Intelligence is one of his main characteristics.

Place of origin


Body type

Male height at the shoulder ranges from 19 to 22 inches; female height at the shoulder ranges from 18 to 21 inches.

Body length (the distance from the end of the scapula to the rump) is slightly greater than shoulder height. Bones are strong, but not exaggerated, and proportionate to overall size. Overall proportionality of height, length, weight, and bone mass is critical, much more so than a single characteristic.

Excess weight should not be mistaken for muscle or bone mass. Any single feature that interferes with the overall balance will be considered a defect.

Border Collie
Border Collie


Expression: Intelligent, alert, enthusiastic and curious.

Eyes: well separated, medium sized, ovate.

Eye-ring pigment and eye color are brown; if the predominant body color is not black, the eyes will be noticeably lighter in color. Lack of eye-ring pigment is a defect. The presence of an orchid eye in a dog of any color other than Bobwhite is a defect. Mountain bird colored dogs with one blue eye or two blue eyes; one partially blue eye or two partially blue eyes are permitted.

Ears: Medium sized, well separated, erect or semi-erect (keeping 1/4 to 3/4 of the ear erect). The tips of the ears point to the front or to the sides. Ears are sensitive and flexible. Head: Wide, with the posterior occipital bone not protruding.

The length of the head is equal to the length of the front face.

Stop moderate, but clear.

Muzzle: Slightly short, firm, and blunt, with a slightly thin end to the rhinophores. Mandible strong and very well developed.

The color of the rhinoscopes is in proportion to the main body color, and the nostrils are well developed. The elephant’s truncated muzzle is a defect.

Bite and Harmony: Teeth and jaws strong, clipped bite and harmony.

Neck, dorsal line, body

Neck: of proper length, firm and muscular, slightly arched, gradually relaxing towards the shoulder.

Backline: flat, slightly arched behind the loin.

Body: robust in appearance. Chest depth and width moderate, showing great chest volume. Chest depth reaches the elbows. Ribs well expanded. The loin is moderately deep, well muscled and slightly arched with no lift. Hips taper backward.

Tail: Low positioned, medium length, with the tailbone extending to the fly joint. The end has an upward swirl. Tail hangs low for balance when fully focused on a task. When excited, the tail may be raised to the height of the back. A slutty tail is a defect.

Border Collie
Border Collie


Observed from the front, the forelimbs are well-boned and parallel to each other. Observed from the side, the ankles are slightly inclined. The scapula is properly angled to the upper arm. Elbows are neither bent inward nor turned outward. Wolf claws can be removed. The foot claws are compact and ovate, the foot pads are deep and firm, and the toes are moderately rounded and compact.


Broad and muscular, with a mildly sloping profile toward the tail. Thighs long, broad, deep and well muscled.

The knee joints are properly angled and the fly joints are strong and low. Viewed from behind, the hind limbs are well boned, straight, parallel to each other and have a very slight cowlick.

Wolf claws may be excised. Foot claws are compact, ovate, with deep and strong pads and moderately rounded and compact toes. Toe nails short and strong.


Two types are allowed: coarse and short coats. Both types have a double coat that is soft, dense and resistant to harsh weather. Puppies have a short, soft, dense and waterproof coat. It transforms into an undercoat as an adult.

Coarse-haired type: Hair is medium in length, flat and slightly wavy in texture, with short, smooth facial hair. The forelegs have feathery trimmed hairs. The hair on the hindquarter can be clipped short. With age, the coat gradually becomes very wavy, which is not a defect.

Short-haired type: the hair is short all over the body, the forelimbs may have trimmed hairs, and the chest is full of hair.


The Border Collie has many colors with a variety of styles and markings. The most common color is black with (or without) white ribbing, white collar, white socks, and white tail tip with (or without) brown markings. The presence of all different colors on the body is permitted, with the exception of all white.

Single, double, triple and traditional colors should be treated equally in competition. Color and markings are secondary to body structure and gait in competition.


The Border Collie is an agile dog, able to make sudden changes of speed and direction without losing balance or grace. Endurance is the signature of this breed. His trotting gait is sprawling, smooth and effortless. The feet and paws are at the shortest distance from the ground, and there is no change in the dorsal line as he glides easily (smooth dorsal line).

When viewed from the side, his stride is very large, while the frequency of his steps is very low, and his movements are quick and precise. There was no slack in the shoulders, elbows or ankles. Observed from behind, the drive of the limbs was strong and elastic. The flying knuckles are close together but not crossed. Deviations from the correct gait as described above are defective. In the final judging, gait is among the most important characteristics and is used to determine whether the body structure is sound and correct.


The Border Collie is an intelligent, alert and sensitive breed, making him an excellent watchdog as he is very friendly with friends and obviously reserved with strangers.

He is also an exceptional herding dog who delights in learning and is content with that. and thrives on human friendship. A pronounced vicious streak or great shyness are serious defects.


Any deviation from the above description is considered a flaw and requires a deduction of points based on the degree of deviation.

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