Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats
Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats

Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats

Owners of dogs and cats like to feed their beloved pets some human food in order to entertain them. Especially if there are children at home, they often give their pets some chocolate candies or ice cream that they eat by hand. Do not realize that this will harm them, because the theobromine and caffeine in chocolate food is toxic to pets. If every kilogram of body weight of dogs and cats ate about 1.3mg of baking chocolate or 13mg of milk chocolate, that may cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning in pets include vomiting, increased urination, hyperventilation, tremors, shortness of breath, weakness and seizures, and sometimes even death. Therefore, do not feed food containing chocolate to dogs and cats, and educate children not to give food to dogs and cats freely. When cats and dogs accidentally eat chocolate and symptoms of poisoning, should be immediately sent to the pet hospital for treatment without delay.

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