Conditioning your dog to keep your home hygienic


★Orders used★

Going to the toilet

Use an encouraging tone of voice, but don’t excite him by opening up.

Home hygiene issues creep in from the first day you bring your dog home. After eating or romping, take your dog to a sanitary area before leaving him alone, and he’ll go potty, giving you a chance to praise him and help him associate your commands with potty behavior.

1. The dog’s hygiene area is usually a dirty tray, which is placed near the door for easy cleanup. As soon as your dog signals that he is going to defecate, such as sniffing furiously or circling in small circles, immediately place the dog? person tray or carry it out if there is time to do so.

2. Wait for familiarization and gradually move the tray outside, making sure the dog can find it alone. If the door is closed, open it before the dog thinks of the tray. After opening the door, give the command “go to the toilet” and signal the dog to go to the tray. Praise the dog when he does so and repeat the command.

3. Gradually move the tray outward to where you want the dog to defecate. Success depends on you moving the tray before the dog tries to pee or poop. Potty training takes patience and persistence, but it doesn’t take much to train your dog quickly.

Tips for potty training him

The choice of material for the sanitary area depends on the material of the clutter area next to your puppy’s sleeping set. You need to ask the breeder about this when you choose your dog. If it uses paper sleeping gear, then your dog will be more tempted to defecate on other materials. You don’t want to lose sight of monitoring your dog. If it is left alone, confine it to a certain area. This to facilitate the collection and removal of your dog’s feces and reduce the likelihood of your puppy eating its own feces and circulating an infection. Clean up its feces often and promptly; nothing is more likely to cause a dog to become resentful than dog fouling in a public place.


  Your dog does not defecate inside the house, day or night, and goes outdoors to a designated spot for convenience.


  Your dog does not defecate inside the house during the day, but defecates in a tray or on paper outside the house. However, at night, he/she will occasionally relieve himself/herself somewhere indoors.


  Frequently defecate indoors and do not go to the designated sanitary area.

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