Diagnosis of Common Symptoms in Dogs

Diagnosis of Common Symptoms in Dogs


Systemic symptoms

  1. Suddenly not eating is seen in acute infectious hepatitis, acute leptospirosis, acute poisoning, acute enteritis, intestinal occlusion, intestinal torsion.
  2. Loss of appetite can be seen in chronic infectious diseases, intestinal parasitosis, chronic gastroenteritis, abnormal secretion of digestive juices, gastrointestinal flora imbalance, cancer, alveolar osteochondritis dissecans, in addition, excessive heat, excessive exercise, motion sickness, before and after childbirth may appear loss of appetite.
  3. Eating a lot but losing weight is mostly due to nutritional deficiencies or disorders, the presence of a large number of intestinal parasites, chronic renal insufficiency, malabsorption symptoms (e.g., chronic enteritis, bile, pancreatic fluid secretion disorders) and so on. It is also seen in excessive exercise, sleep deprivation, extensive eczema, and abnormal hormone secretion (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
  4. Increased desire to drink is seen in rabies, diabetes mellitus, urosepsis, liver disease, cancer, increased urination, eating too much dry food, acute gastroenteritis, severe vomiting, dysentery, dehydration renal dysfunction, and too much salt in food.
  5. Vomiting after drinking water is seen in acute leptospirosis, acute nephritis, pyloric spasm, cerebral hemorrhage, food poisoning, drug poisoning, intestinal folding, and so on.
  6. Vomiting immediately after eating is seen in food overdose, ingestion of foreign body or uncomfortable food, acute pharyngolaryngitis, intestinal obstruction, ascariasis, bile duct sphincter spasm, and so on.
  7. Vomiting with fever is commonly seen in canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, canine microvirus disease, food poisoning, acute nephritis.
  8. Vomiting from eating vomit is often caused by eating too much, too much fiber in the food and overburdening the stomach. It is also caused by exercising right after eating. At this time, dogs often eat vomit. In addition, when suffering from pharyngitis, there is also the phenomenon of eating vomit.
  9. Swallowing of foreign objects can be seen in malnutrition and nutritional imbalance, excessive stomach acid, chronic gastritis, insufficient exercise, chronic eczema. In addition, canine diabetes, rabies, parasitic diseases and chronic digestive disorders are also often accompanied by xenophobia.
  10. Curled squatting dogs have a large number of hookworm parasites in the body, acute enteritis, ulcerative enteritis, acute hepatitis, bladder stones, abdominal pain can be shown curled squatting posture.
  11. Barking dogs are not accustomed to the environment, there is a bitch in heat nearby, head pain, trauma with severe pain, acute poisoning caused by gastrointestinal and abdominal pain, etc., the dog often barks incessantly.
  12. Excessive yellow pus-like eye droppings are a sign of keratitis and conjunctivitis. Canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, herpes, and systemic febrile diseases can also be seen as yellow pus-like eye droppings. Amyloid white eye droppings are most often seen with intestinal parasites or chronic gastrointestinal disease, but usually without signs of conjunctival congestion.
  13. The eyes also sting and tear when infectious hepatitis is present. In addition, tearing occurs when conjunctival puffiness is caused by phthisis or plant allergies.
  14. Nose tip dryness Dogs with colds, infectious diseases and other feverish diseases that occur, dehydration, defecation can appear dry nose tip, the condition is serious, the end of the nose hardening and even produce cracks. Certain chronic diseases only dry the tip of the nose when sleeping or just waking up.
  15. Itchy skin dogs with fleas, suffering from atopic dermatitis, urticaria, mange and other skin will itch.
  16. Coat lusterlessness is mainly seen in chronic gastrointestinal disease, wasting disease, parasitic disease, poor care during hair change, excessive filth, improper management, coat lusterlessness.
  17. A large number of hair loss in addition to the normal hair change in spring and fall, a large number of hair loss in dogs can be seen in systemic wasting disease, mange, hyperthyroidism and other diseases.

Digestive System Abnormalities

  1. Bad BreathDogs with dental disease, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases appear bad breath. Bad breath occurs in infectious diseases such as canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, and nutritional disorders, uremia and other systemic diseases. Acetone odor in diabetes; putrid odor in necrotizing pneumonia; ammonia odor in uremia.
  2. Excessive salivation stomatitis, dental disease, foreign bodies in the mouth, fracture of the jaws, paralysis of the lips, tongue, and throat, salivary secretion of bitter-smelling medicines, motion sickness and seasickness, and fear. Spasmodic episodes The reflex action of seeing food can all result in salivation.
  3. Foaming at the mouth canine distemper, canine filariasis, cerebral anemia, etc., caused by epileptic seizures, convulsions caused by hypokalemia, pesticides, insecticides poisoning, etc. will be foaming at the mouth.
  4. Diarrhea acute enteritis, canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis canine microvirus disease, food poisoning, gastrointestinal ulcers, pancreatic insufficiency of secretion, picking up too much fat or too much milk, etc., can cause diarrhea.
  5. Blood in the stool acute and chronic enteritis, ulcerative enteritis, intestinal tumors, canine microvirus disease, leptospirosis, food poisoning, intestinal parasites (hookworms, coccidia, etc.) can lead to intestinal mucosal bleeding, discharge of bloody feces.

Respiratory system abnormalities

  1. Dyspnea is seen in pneumonia, bronchitis, rupture of the diaphragm, pleural effusion, emphysema, pulmonary edema, lung tumors, trauma to the ribs or lungs, heat stroke poisoning, and lung parasites.
  2. Runny nose Rhinitis, colds, canine distemper, etc. often runny nose juice. It starts watery or mucus-like, and when septic bacteria are present it becomes purulent nasal juice. Purulent sinusitis also results in purulent nasal discharge.

Abnormalities of the urinary system

  1. Polyuria is seen in chronic nephritis, diabetes mellitus, uremic disease, and chronic renal insufficiency.
  2. Frequent urination cystitis, urethritis, urethral stones, urethral tumors, chronic renal insufficiency, bladder stones, prostate enlargement, will appear in low urine volume and frequency.
  3. Hematuria is seen in acute and chronic nephritis, kidney stones, hemorrhagic cystitis, urethritis, urethral tumors, hemosporidiosis, canine filariasis, leptospirosis.
  4. Urine yellow canine urine is generally bright yellow, urine volume increased when the color is light, reduced when the color is dark, internal drugs such as riboflavin yellow, not a pathological state. Pathological yellow urine is bilirubinuria, brownish-yellow, yellowish-green or reddish-yellow, seen in obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, leptospirosis, acute and chronic nephritis and some drug poisoning.

Neurological abnormalities

  1. Convulsions are seen in cerebral filariasis, calcium and magnesium deficiencies, organophosphorus poisoning, canine distemper, uremia, and so on.
  2. Unconsciousness is seen in epilepsy, heat stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes mellitus, concussion and cerebral contusion.
  3. Running wild is seen in rabies, meningoencephalitis, hydrocephalus, and cerebral filariasis.
  4. Epilepsy, meningitis, intracerebral tumors, cerebral filarial worms, congenital brain anomalies, concussions, and cerebral contusions often present as seizures. Seizures can be caused by distemper, tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, uremia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, pregnancy toxemia, endocrine dysfunction, and various types of poisoning. In addition, peripheral nerve injury, skin disease, intestinal parasitosis and allergic reactions. They can also cause reflex epilepsy.

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