Dog First Aid Preparedness

As your dog gets older, you may want to learn some emergency measures for unexpected accidents, such as a sudden injury or illness. Don’t panic when you realize that your dog has been injured at some point. Remember that the purpose of any first aid is to stabilize your dog until a veterinarian arrives. Before you start, make sure that your dog is not in a life-threatening situation. If the dog stops breathing, has no pulse or heartbeat, is bleeding, or is poisoned, administer first aid immediately. During the procedure, the dog may be irritable due to pain, so if necessary, put on a muzzle and leash first. However, do not muzzle your dog if it is gagging or has difficulty breathing. Take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible after the first aid is administered. Remember to inform the vet of your dog’s condition and arrival time beforehand so that preparations can be made in advance of your arrival. If you suspect a neck or spine injury, place the dog on a board before taking it to the hospital to avoid aggravating its condition with stress.

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First aid for dogs

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