First aid: treatment of sodium trichlorfon poisoning


Sodium dichlorvos, because of its low toxicity to humans and animals, safety, is one of the common rodent poisonous drugs promoted for use at present. However, if it is not well kept, it can be poisoned by animals and poultry by stealing or accidentally eating. I have met a case of ornamental dogs stole food sodium trichlorfon bait rice and poisoning cases, after taking the injection of vitamin K1-based comprehensive treatment measures, so that the dog was cured. The report is as follows.

Morbidity Lin Mou keep an ornamental dog, female, age 2 years old, weight 8 kg. December 21, 1998 morning, the owner of the rabbit hutch in their own home on the floor of the poisonous rodent bait. Because the door was not closed, the dog went in and stole the poisonous rat bait from the ground.

After 2:00 p.m. on the same day, the dog was depressed, lying down, not eating, foaming at the mouth, and from time to time there were paroxysmal spasms or chirping. To 4 p.m., the owner invited Yu to go to the clinic. After inquiry and analysis, preliminary diagnosis of sodium dichlorvos poisoning.

Clinical symptoms of the dog’s spirit is extremely atrophied, food and drink desire to waste, foaming liquid mouth, like lying lazy. Forced to drive poor, dry nasal cavity, shortness of breath, body temperature 38.5 ℃. Affected dogs from time to time show paroxysmal tonic spasms, convulsions, at the same time out of the miserable chirping. Clenching and grinding teeth, straight tongue edge bite broken bleeding, canine teeth also tongue piercing; the next day, in the oral membrane, gums, conjunctiva of the eyes at the hemorrhagic spots, hemorrhagic medial abdominal skin, depressed blood spots; palpation of the end of the drive body is cold, urine is scarce and reddish-yellow, feces containing dark red blood.

Diagnosis was made by inquiring about the poisonous rodent bait issued by the county love committee, which was made by mixing rice with trichlorfon sodium, and combined with the clinical manifestations, it could be preliminarily confirmed to be caused by trichlorfon sodium poisoning.

  • The principle of treatment is detoxification, sedation and antiemetic, rehydration, anti-inflammatory, and promotion of gastrointestinal excretion comprehensive treatment measures.
  • Special detoxification therapy vitamin K1 is the special effect of detoxification of trichlorfon sodium poisoning, each time with human VK11 ml × 3-4, intramuscular injection, twice a day, for 6-7 days.
  • Sedative and antiemetic Valium 2 ml × 1 branch, gastroparesis 1 ml × 2 branches, mixed intramuscular injection, twice a day. It can be reduced day by day afterward depending on the situation.
  • Rehydration therapy 10% dextrose 100 ml + VC 5 ml × 2 sticks, warmed up and injected intraperitoneally twice a day.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Genta 80,000 × 2 sticks, intramuscular injection, oral amoxicillin capsules 2 capsules, 2 times a day.
  • Strengthening the stomach 10% Anaru 2 ml + VB12 ml × 2 branches + VB61 ml × 2 branches + inosine 2 ml × 2 branches, mixed intramuscular injection, twice daily.
  • Nursing care instructs the owner to pay attention to the dog’s warmth, and frequently instill rehydration salts, milk, meat and bone broth, and other nutritious fluids.
  • Sodium dichlorvos is a delayed toxicity rodent drug. It is in the body of livestock and poultry (including people) is mainly the destruction of blood suspected blood enzyme yuan, resulting in the body capillary extensive internal and external bleeding as a characteristic. Diagnosis and treatment of sodium trichlorfon poisoning can be made by taking a history, checking the oral cavity, mucous membrane of the tongue, under the abdomen, and whether there are hemorrhages in the inner skin of the femur, and then making an initial diagnosis.
  • VK1 is a potent drug for the treatment of trichlorfon sodium poisoning. The use of this drug detoxification, should adhere to the continuous injection of VK16-7 days, and not less than 2 times a day, each time the amount should be sufficient, in order to cure.
  • All rat poisonous drugs are poisonous items, keepers should be properly stored, dead poisonous rats should be collected in time and buried deeply, so as not to cause livestock poisoning.

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