Do-it-yourself help for dogs with breathing jerks

The other day I read someone saying that their seven year old dog was suffering from respiratory convulsions, and then I read that many owners had experienced similar problems at one time or another. My dog has had this too. Dogs are more prone to this condition when they are old, lose calcium or after strenuous exercise, and there is usually no cure if it is not caused by asthma. But owners just watch their dogs suffer for nothing? In fact, there is a very simple way to help them. I use this method to help my dog tried and true Oh. Dogs occur breathing convulsions, the owner of a hand to raise his lower limbs, so that it maintains the position of high feet and low head (small dogs can be handled by a person, large dogs, it is estimated to help), the other hand gently pat the dog’s neck (as if patting the back of the same for the people), the force of your own control, oh, light, no effect, heavy good will be misunderstood, generally pat five or six will be good, this method is harmless to the dog! This method is not harmful to the dog, you can try. In addition, usually pay attention to the dog movement, try to let it more activities, remember the less exercise the dog, when you take her out to play will show more excitement, strenuous exercise, the possibility of injury to his own greater, so the owner to take time out of their busy schedule to take them to “see the world” Oh, in addition to the dog after the exercise is best not to let them drink water immediately, in the end, the animal is not a good thing. Let them drink water immediately after exercise, in the end is an animal, thirsty only know how to drink desperately, it is easy to choke themselves, to wait for them to breathe steadily and then feed the water, if the dog is really thirsty, it is best to feed warm water, the stimulus will be relatively small. The above is my own experience Oh, welcome to discuss, tried friends can say to see the effect. Also, the first time you do this dog may be afraid, but he will soon know that you are helping him, so generally will not resist.

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