How to determine and stop dog biting behavior

How to determine and stop dog biting behavior?


Many dog bites are caused by people not understanding the “socialization laws” of dogs. Most dogs will not bite, but those that are untrained or have had little contact with humans are likely to bite.

Dogs are very territorial animals and will warn or even attack a human out of a desire to protect their territory when they think a stranger has entered it.

Most dogs will give a warning before they bite. When a dog raises its back hair, spreads its limbs and stamps the ground with force, wags its tail slightly, and raises its head to bark upwards, then you need to be careful, as it is giving you a warning.

If you continue to approach the dog, the dog will issue a harsher warning. When the dog flicks his tail, bares his teeth, growls and pushes his ears back, this is the final warning that he is about to attack.

How do you exit this dangerous situation in time?

It is advisable to act as if nothing has happened and slowly distance yourself, but in the process avoid looking the dog directly in the eyes, as eye-to-eye contact is a provocation to the dog;

In addition, do not run because you are panicked, as this will stimulate the dog’s hunting instincts and make it chase you.

Sometimes your dog may nip at you with his teeth while playing with you. This behavior needs to be stopped immediately, and you need to train your dog from an early age not to bite with its teeth, even when it is playing with you, so that it does not develop a bad habit of biting in the future.

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