

The Polly is a compact, square-proportioned, very well-proportioned medium-sized dog.

He is energetic, alert and active. Very conspicuous and very special features are his fluffy, dense coat and his brisk pace and distinctive movements, which enable him to perform the hard work of herding sheep on the Hungarian plains.

Agility, mental and physical fitness are necessary to accomplish these centuries-old jobs.



Body type

Ideal height at the shoulder for males is about 17 inches; ideal height at the shoulder for females is about 16 inches. Any error within 1 inch above or below is acceptable. The body is compact and of square proportions, with body length (the distance from the front of the scapula to the end of the rump) equal to shoulder height.

Bone mass is medium.



Head medium sized and in proportion to the body. Almond-shaped eyes, darker in position, rather larger, dark brown eyes and black (or dark orchid gray) eye rings.

Ears positioned slightly above the eyes, pendant, medium-sized, V-shaped, and about half the length of the head.

Head slightly domed, medium width.

The stop is well defined, but not steep. The muzzle is firm, and straight, 1/3 of the length of the head, and terminates in an appropriately sized noseglass.

Nasal mirror is black. The upper lip and gums are black or dark blue-gray. The upper lip is tight.

The dental system is complete, with fairly large, clipped bite and teeth.

Neck, dorsal line, and body

Neck strong, well muscled, medium length, no flab. Back level, firm, medium length, slightly sloping at the hips.

Chest of moderate width and depth, ribs well supported.

The loin is short, firm and moderately carried. Tail turned up and dissolved as on the back.


Scapulae inclined backward. The upper arm bone is about the same length as the scapula and is at a 90-degree angle.

Forelegs are straight, sturdy, with medium bone mass and strong, pliable quill bones. Wolf claws, if present, may be excised.

The foot claws are rounded and compact with rounded arched toes and thick pads. The foot pads support the entire body of the Polly.

Foot pads and toenails are black or dark blue-gray.



The hindquarters are very muscular, the tin joints are moderately inclined, and the hindquarters structure is harmonized with the forequarters.

The fly joints are perpendicular to the ground and low. Wolf claws, if present, may be excised, and foot claws are the same as on the forequarters.


The body is covered everywhere with a thick, weatherproof coat.

The outer cloak of hair is wavy or curly, but not silky. The undercoat is soft, shaggy, and very dense. The coat clumps very easily and, if left to grow naturally, will become ropey by the time it reaches adulthood. Ropes are shaggy and variable in shape and thickness, either flat or rounded, mainly due to the texture of the hairs and the ratio of undercoat to cloak.

The Polly looks like it is surrounded by rope or has had its hair pulled.

A correct double coat and correct hair texture are essential.

As they age, the coat gets longer and even drags to the ground. So you need to judge the texture and quality of the coat based on the length, but you can’t penalize a young or working dog.


Solid colors, including rusty black, black, different shades of gray, and white are acceptable;

White stains (no more than 2 inches in diameter) on the chest are also acceptable.

Mixed black, gray, and white coats are permitted in gray dogs while the overall color remains solid.

Skin color is orchid or gray regardless of coat color.



The Polly is typically an active dog with juggling skills; the gait is light, quick, agile, and capable of changing speed instantly.

All gaits, including the trot, are very characteristic: the movement is quick and lively, the forelegs do not extend far, and the movement is not stilted or stiff.

When fully in the gallop, the Polly has a smooth and efficient stride, with good forequarters extension and hindquarters drive. As speed increases, the paws naturally come together to a centerline position on the body. Distinctive movement is an important characteristic of the Polly as a herding dog.


Naturally loving, intelligent, loving family and companions, the Polly is sensitive and suspicious, making it a good watchdog. Excessive timidity or shyness is a serious defect.


Any deviation from the above description is a defect and points are deducted according to the degree of deviation.

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