



Medium sized gray dog. Has a beautiful, aristocratic appearance. He appears very elegant, swift, persevering, alert and well-proportioned. His overall structure indicates that he has the ability to work at a high speed, for long periods of time in the field (durable endurance).




Shoulder height standards: males 25 to 27 inches at the shoulder; females 23 to 25 inches at the shoulder. Both sexes are allowed a tolerance of 1 inch, but it is a minor defect. Males below 24 inches or above 28 inches; females below 22 inches or above 26 inches are disqualified.



Medium length and aristocratic looking, with a moderate stop and a central line running back over the forehead. The posterior occipital bone is prominent and flared backward, beginning behind the eye sockets. The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is approximately equal to the distance from the stop to the posterior occipital bone.

The upper lip is straight and the nostrils are refined. The skin is compact. The neck is neat in outline and of moderate length. The expression is amiable, keen, and intelligent.

Ears: Long and bladed, slightly folded and high. If the ears are stretched forward along the jaw, they are about 2 inches from the tip of the nose.

Eyes: Light amber, gray, or blue-gray of various depths, wide enough apart to appear well laid out and intelligent. Under excited circumstances, almost black.

TEETH: Well laid out, strong and even; very well developed, in proportion to the jaws, with a correct clipped bite and sum. The teeth of the upper jaw are slightly outward and should not exceed 1/16 inch relative to the lower jaw. A complete tooth system is most desirable.

Nosepiece: gray. Lips and gums: pink or flesh colored.


The back is of medium length, straight and firm, sloping slightly backward from the horse’s shoulder rump. The chest is very well developed and deep with the shoulder blades sloping back. Ribs well supported and long. Abdomen firm; loin sockets moderately raised. The bottom of the chest extends to the elbows.

Coat and Color

Short, smooth, and sleek, solid colors ranging from mouse-gray to silver-gray, usually lighter on the head and ears. Small white patches on the chest are permissible, but the presence of white on the rest of the body is a defect. White patches due to injury are not considered a defect. A noticeably long coat is a disqualification.

A distinctly blue or black coat is a disqualification.


Straight and strong, the distance from the elbow to the ground is approximately equal to the distance from the elbow to the highest point of the horse’s shoulder rump.


Properly angled stifle and straight flying knuckles. Very well muscled.

Foot claws

Firm and compact, webbed, rounded arched toes, compact and thick pads, short toenails, gray or amber. Wolf claws: need to be removed.


Broken Tail. The adult dog’s tail is about 6 inches in length and appears light rather than heavy. The posture of the tail clearly shows a confident and healthy temperament. An unbroken tail is considered a defect.


The gait should be easy and smooth, appearing coordinated. When viewed from behind, the hind foot claws and fore foot claws are parallel to each other. When viewed from the side, the dorsal line remains firm and level.



Temperament should appear friendly, courageous, alert, and obedient.


Secondary Flaws:

  • Tail too short or too long
  • Pink noseglasses

Major Defects:

  • Females that look like males
  • Males that look like females
  • Improper musculature
  • Very inappropriate teeth
  • Missing 4 or more teeth
  • Back too long or too short
  • Defective back hair
  • Neck too short, thick or bulky
  • Low tail position
  • Elbows bent inward or turned outward
  • Paws pointing east or west
  • False gait
  • Wrong paws
  • Cow limbs, imperfectly backed, arched or wobbly
  • Severe protruding upper jaw bite and or lower jaw bite and protrusion
  • Sharp, thin muzzle. Short ears

Severe defects:

  • White coloration on areas other than the chest
  • Eyes that are not gray, blue-gray, or amber
  • Black bantam beak
  • Has not had a broken tail
  • Appears very fearful, shy or extremely nervous

out of character

Errors more than 1 inch from the range of shoulder heights allowed by the standard. Apparently excessively long coat. Coat that is visibly blue or black in color.

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