A medium-sized sight hound with an elegant and well-proportioned appearance, displaying speed, strength and balance, but not roughness. A truly athletic hound that can run the greatest distances with the least amount of movement.
The impression is one of beauty and harmony, well-muscled, strong and powerful, with an appearance of extreme elegance and grace. A well-proportioned silhouette, well-developed muscles and a powerful stride are the key considerations;
All his construction is in the service of speed and work, any exaggeration must be removed.

Body type
The ideal height for males is 19 to 22 inches;
Females are 18 to 21 inches (the distance from the horse’s shoulder rump to the ground).
An error of more than 1.5 inches above or below is considered out of line. Distance from forechest to withers is equal to or slightly greater than shoulder height. Medium bone mass.

Sharp, intelligent and alert expression. Eyes are large and dark in color. Both eyes must be the same color. Yellow or light colored eyes are a serious defect.
Orchid colored eyes or colored rings in the eyes are disqualifications. Eye rings are well pigmented.
ROSE EARS: Small, fine textured; at rest, ears are back and folded along the neck. The fold remains when attention is given. Standing ears are a serious defect.
Head: long and sloping, rather wide between the ears, the stop is hardly perceptible. Muzzle: long and powerful, showing great bite but not rough. Lack of jaws is a serious defect.
The noseglasses are solid black.
TEETH: The teeth of the lower jaw fit closely to the inside of the teeth of the upper jaw, forming a shear bite. The teeth are white and strong.
Lower jaw protruding bite and is a disqualification. Upper jaw protruding bite and harmony is also out of order if the upper jaw protrudes 1/4 inch or more.
Neck, Dorsal Line, Body
The neck is long, neat, well-muscled, with a rounded arch and an unwrinkled throat that gradually widens and blends into the upper shoulder blades. A short, thick neck or goat’s neck is a defect. The back is broad, firm, well muscled and longer than the loin.
The dorsal line begins at the horse’s shoulder rump in a smooth, graceful and natural arch, not very powerful, and crosses over the loin to reach the hips; the rounded arch is continued without breaks. Collapse behind the shoulder blades, a depressed back, a flat back, and steep or flat hips are defective. The chest is very deep, extending almost to the elbows; the ribs are well supported, but there is no sign of a barrel chest.
The space between the two forelegs is completely filled so as not to appear hollow.
The lower abdominal curve is distinctly uplifted.
The tail is long and finely tipped, extending to the fly joints as it falls between the hind legs. When he moves, the tail is held low and curves slightly upward; it should not be held higher than the back.

The scapulae are long, sloping backward and flat-muscled, allowing a little space between the scapulae where the horse’s shoulder rumbles. The upper arm is the same length as the scapula, with the elbow just below the horse’s shoulder rump. The elbow joint is neither bent inward nor turned outward, but straight backward. Steep scapulae, too short an upper arm, too much weight or resistance of the scapular muscles to the shoulder, or too narrow a shoulder, all that interfere with the movement of the stretches, are serious defects.
The front legs are straight and appear to have sufficient strength and bone. The glabella is strong, slightly inclined, and supple. Bowed legs, kinked elbows, lack of muscle and bone mass in the legs, legs that are a long distance below the body while forming a very exaggerated chest, weak or vertical glabellar bones, are all serious defects.
The front and rear foot-paws are perfect, and the pads of the feet are hard and thick. The footpaws are closer to those of a rabbit than to those of a cat, but both are acceptable. Flat, splayed or soft paws lacking hard, thick pads are serious defects. Toes are long, tight and rounded arches. Toenails are firm and naturally short or medium in length.
Wolf claws may be removed.
Long and powerful. Thighs broad and muscular, with inclined knees; muscles long and flat, extending down to the fly joints; fly joints low and near the ground.
Sickle legs or bull limbs are serious defects.
Short, tight, smooth, and of hard texture. Any other coat is a disqualification. Old scars left at work or caused in an accident should not be discriminated against in competition.
Color is not important.
Low, sprawling, smooth movement with full forequarters extension and strong hindquarters drive. When viewed from the side, his movements are very stretched; the forelegs are close to the ground as they extend forward, producing a long, low stride; the hindquarters produce a powerful drive. When he is away or viewed from behind, the legs neither bend inward nor turn outward, and the paws neither interlock nor interfere with each other. Lack of forequarters extension or hindquarters drive, or a short, horse-like gait (lifting the leg too high), are serious defects. Foot claws that are crossed or too close together are also defective.
Affectionate, friendly, and gentle, but capable of producing a huge burst of energy in an instant to go after prey.
Out of Character
More than 1.5 inches from the height standard. Orchid eyes or color rings in the eyes. Protruding lower jaw bite and or protruding upper jaw bite and upper jaw protruding 1/4 inch or more. All coats that are not short, tight, smooth, and hard textured.